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Hi, my name is SANDY. MAYBE going to UNSW. Quitting my job at Hungry Jacks real soon :)
Am a proud to be from HK ^^

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Some stupid neighbour had to chat at night and make big noises with the rubbish at 5.30 in the morning...problem is, I slept at 1.20am. T_T And the next day, I skipped breakfast and had to climb UNSW.




✎Written at 2:05 PM on 2011-01-28


Has any of you ever felt like you have no close friends?

Cause I have.

Lately I have been imagining things...maybe I am thinking too much. I feel like some of my closest friends...or at least I think they are close to me, don't like me. It's really funny you know? I may regard them as my close friend...but it doesn't mean they regard me as their close friend...HA.

I sometimes think I myself is really annoying. I've been thinking about this since last year...at the start of year 12. It's why I don't really like asking people for favours because I believe that they will think I'm using them or I'm annoying them. I've been talking alot with a friend lately and telling the friend to drive me to places but really, I think the friend may think I'm annoying. I don't want to be annoying...I won't tell that friend to drive me. I feel like I owe that friend alot.

I should really make new friends...at least more friends. At least I can surround myself with more fake friendliness...I really want uni to start so I can immerse myself in studying and not think about all this stuff.


✎Written at 3:04 AM on 2011-01-25


Around a week ago, I received an offer from University of Melbourne for the degree

Bachelor of Environments (Majoring in Architecture).

Initially, I had already given up going to Melbourne and was deciding to settle myself here in Sydney but then, this offer had to come up the day before my UAC offers come out. Truthfully, choosing what degree I'm doing in university is as stressing and annoying as going to work at fastfood.

Seriously, I wanted to go. I love the idea of architecture and the possible cool career I can have with it. I just really wanted to design a building/house and build it myself (or supervise it if its a building 'cause frankly, I don't think I can hire that many people to build a building). Even though I wanted SO MUCH to go to Melbourne and pursue architecture, I know that I wouldn't be able to do that....mostly because my mum doesn't want me to go and also because of financial problems. If I can really support myself in Melbourne, I really can't guarantee I would actually pass my first year and if I don't...wouldn't I really waste the thousands of dollars I used in Melbourne?? I really don't want to take that risk...its not like I'm really THAT smart...

Anyways, so on UAC offer day, I received an offer from UNSW for Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Arts. It was my second preference but I really didn't mind. I LOVE learning languages so I was actually glad to receive this offer :)

Today, I have OFFICIALLY finalised my timetable :) I get a day off wednesday and get breaks each day ^^ I have to wake up 6am in the morning to prepare for uni and travel around 1.5 hrs to uni. OH JOY!! -___-""" Regretted not applying for USYD or UTS. They are SO MUCH closer.

But at least I got into a prestigious university...?

✎Written at 9:57 PM on 2011-01-23


Today was the worst day at work.
My counter was down by $4.10 by the end of the day....I have no idea why. I know someone else used my till before and I asked a friend to help me take the money for the order as this guy was waiting for drinks & sundae for ages... I truly didn't think it was the friend that helped me take the money as I trust him. I don't know about the other girl...

It's weird because I was blamed for the incorrect amount just because I used on it for most of the day...when I wasn't even supposed to be working that day...and my name wasn't even on the roster table in the command centre.

What my manager said stung me the most was the sentence, "So what's your excuse this time?" He can be disappointed in me, he could just tell me off...but to say these words right in my face really hurt me. He said its ok this time but next time I'm getting a warning letter...I was angry...mostly at myself for not checking the till. I decided to get the money I owed by buying something and putting it on the office desk.

I can confirm to you now that I cried while I waited for the bus, while on the bus and crying right now when I am thinking about it.

I have a high EQ for alot of things...but to be blamed for something I didn't do is the only thing I cannot stand. I absolutely HATE people blaming me for things I didn't do.


✎Written at 5:23 AM on 2011-01-13



I haven't blogged in a while. Been too tired to do so because of work >.>""
I had to work on the eve of Christmas eve AND on Christmas eve.

Eve of Christmas eve
I worked from 4pm-12am. I was supposed to work till 11pm but people came late so manager told us to stay back an extra hour. It was HECTIC. People kept on coming and buying Hungry Jacks. It was like CRAZY at the back and at the front. There was only three people running at first. One on icecream, one on drinks and one taking out meals. Some managers came near the end of my shift and so there was two people taking out meals. I feel bad for the person doing drinks. Her whole uniform was stained with sodas and orange juice. T_T After my shift when my brother came to pick me up, I found out that there were as much people coming in to Westfield as there were going out of Westfield. I'm so lucky I didn't do overnight....but I would really love to do it because you get double pay! Who doesn't want double pay? :D

Christmas eve
Assistant manager chucked a shit at me ==" FARK. I dislike her VERY much...

✎Written at 12:31 AM on 2010-12-25

Funny thing that happened at work

Recently, work has been very stressful...especially when people don't make up their minds and speak really softly during BUSY HOURS.

However, last Friday, there was this asian old man that was buying coffee. He gave the order and the money and after standing there for around a few seconds staring at us, he walked away just as we were giving him coffee. We yelled at him to come back (since it wasn't busy time, all of us did that since my co-worker  failed to call him back). A VERY kind woman walking buy spread out her arms right in front of him to stop him walking and the man thought she was going to hug him. He paused there for literally 5 seconds :D HILARIOUS.

There are some weird people...who buys individual burgers or stunner deals with sundaes and stuff and just walk away without taking the money...its so weird :S maybe the runners give it to them when these people ask them but I have no recollection of us giving the burgers to them. They're SO wierd.

I've finally started learning how to do icecream. I've only done it once and I'm planning to try and do it once again during the non-busy times ^^

Going to city to watch HARRY POTTER 7 TOMORROW FOR SURE!! So happy!! ^^

Love Sansan :)

✎Written at 2:11 AM on 2010-12-12



今年18咯! ;)

Today is my mum's birthday~~ :) It's her "18th" and my brother took her and my dad out to eat at a fancy french restaurant. Kelvin (my bro) and I was going to go but it was just too expensive for us. Since Brian's shouting parents only, we decided not to go and just chill at home. I have to finish cleaning the stationery cupboard today and clean the kitchen up D: Hope its all clean before they come back!!

I order something for my mum at sasa online. It's fairly cheap and thats why I think I'm going to buy a wallet or something for her at city on Thursday (I think my roster said I was free on Thurs...I HOPE SO :S )

Anyways, apparently they have to process my order and after they do that, they'll ship it to me and give me an email verification. I'll write a review on ordering online in this website soon. Since I'm making money, I might order stuff online at various websites and I'll write a review.

Work at HJ has been HECTIC!!~~~ Well, not really....I made WONDERFUL friends and has been having fun at work..although the occasional slip up in orders and the fact that the computers lag everytime I take the order off the list =_= I don't know why but maybe it's just my computer but it lags like HELL =_= It's pissing me off because the people in the back area keep yelling at me to "bump" as we call it and I have to keep telling them I did. And this girl that works at my place made mistakes with my orders both on the computer and the actual orders and I got blamed for it ?? She didn't even bother to explain to my manager that it was actually her that did it.. Oh wells, in general, it's good. I'm making money. SIGHH.

I just found out that my stomach needs....probiotic food? I am not sure of that is write at all... :S Well, what I meant to say was things like yoghurt and yakult that has "good" bacteria. I need it for my bowels to work right. I really need to get a check up and see why I am having these bad reactions to food !! I never used to have this until year 12 == HSC SCREWED ME UP FOR SURE!! FAR OUT T_T And I'm recently having these allergy reactions that causes itchiness around my wrists and arms and after scratching, they develop in to swelling rashes... and when I say swelling, I meant to the point I can see my pores VERY CLEARLY. It's so weird! I need to get that checked too!! This is precisely why I need my own medicare card ==

Which reminds me, I need to get my license! I think I'll get it in 10 days? I don't know...if so, I have alot of revising to do. I can't even pass the online sample test T_T

✎Written at 12:05 AM on 2010-12-07